Policies and Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Languages for All Ltd – Privacy Policy

LANGUAGES FOR ALL LTD is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals (including students, staff and others) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd gathers and processes personal information about its students, their Guardians and other individuals to comply with obligations. To comply with the law, information about individuals must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and securely and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully. Any breach of the Data Protection Act 2018 or this Trust Data Protection Policy is considered to be an offence, and in that event relevant disciplinary procedures will apply.

LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd is the Data Controller and is responsible for setting the overarching policy and standards for Data Protection. LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd see compliance with these obligations as the best method to ensure that personal information is dealt with lawfully and securely and in accordance with the GDPR and other related legislation. It will apply to information regardless of the way it is used, recorded and stored and whether it is held in paper files or electronically. This policy is intended to ensure that personal information is dealt with properly and securely and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other legislation. This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice, or amendments made to data protection legislation, and shall be reviewed every two years.

These regulations are a series of safeguards for every individual. Information concerning individuals needs to be secure and to be treated with respect. The GDPR exists to protect individual rights in an increasingly digital world. Data is any information that relates to a living person which identifies them, e.g., name, address or phone number. It also relates to details about that person, which can include personal opinions. The individual defined by the data is called the Data Subject. Some data is considered to be more sensitive and therefore more important to protect. This includes information about racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; data concerning health or sex life and sexual orientation; genetic data; or biometric data where processed to uniquely identify a person.

Consent is often sought to use data about a student or their parent/guardian for a particular purpose; however, there are other grounds for collecting and processing data to ensure that we meet our legal obligations. Accuracy Data collected should be accurate, and steps should be taken to check and confirm accuracy. The frequency of the checks depends on the data being collected and processed. Individuals have a right:

• to be informed

• of access to data stored about them or their children

• to rectification if there is an error in the stored data

• to erasure if there is no longer a need for LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd to retain their data

• to restrict processing, i.e., to limit what is done with their data

• to object to data being shared or collected

Data Subjects’ rights are also subject to child protection and safeguarding concerns and for sharing information for the prevention and detection of crime. LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd also has legal and contractual obligations to share information with organisations such as the Department for SRS Data Protection Policy (001-June 2020) Page 4 of 7 Education, Social Care, the Local Authority and HMRC, amongst others. In some cases, these obligations override individual rights.

LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd will seek consent from staff, volunteers, students, parents / guardians and carers to collect and process their data. The reasons for requesting the data, as well as how the data will be used, will be made clear. There are contractual, statutory and regulatory occasions when consent is not required. Consent is defined by the GDPR as “any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her”. Privacy Notices explain how data is collected and used. Obtaining clear consent and ensuring that the consent remains in place is important for LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd.

Pupil Consent Procedure

Where processing relates to a child under 18 years of age, LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd will obtain the consent from a person who has parental responsibility for the child. children may be asked to give consent or to be consulted about how their data is obtained, shared and used in certain situations.

Withdrawal of consent

Consent can be withdrawn, subject to contractual, statutory or regulatory constraints. Where more than one person has the ability to provide or withdraw consent, the company will consider each situation on its merits and within the principles of GDPR, as well as child welfare, protection and safeguarding principles.

The GDPR has six conditions for lawful processing and any time we process data relating to an individual it must fall within at least one of those conditions. SRS Data Protection Policy (001-June 2020) Page 5 of 7 The legal basis and authority for collecting and processing data  are:

• consent obtained from the data subject or their parent

• performance of a contract where the data subject is a party

• compliance with a legal obligation

• to protect the vital interests of the data subject or other associated person

• to carry out the processing that is in the public interest and/or official authority

• it is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller or third party. In addition, any special categories of personal data are processed on the grounds of:

• explicit consent from the data subject or from a parent/carer about their child

• a necessity to comply with employment rights or obligations

• protection of the vital interests of the data subject or associated person

• existing personal data that has been made public by the data subject and is no longer confidential

• bringing or defending legal claims

• safeguarding

• national laws in terms of processing genetic, biometric or health data Data Sharing Data sharing is only carried out within the limits set by the GDPR.

Guidance from the Department for Education, health, the police, local authorities and other specialist organisations may be used to determine whether data is shared. The basis for sharing or not sharing data is recorded on a case-by-case basis.

There is a separate procedure to follow in the event of a data breach, including taking immediate action to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Protecting data and maintaining data subjects’ rights is the purpose of this policy and its associated procedures. The Freedom of Information Act This Act gives a general right of access to all types of ‘recorded’ information held by LANGUAGES FOR ALL Ltd. All requests for information must be made in writing to us. We will accept these in the following forms:

• Letter Mrs J V Moses, 86 Ryknield Road, Kilburn Belper, Derbys, DE56 0PF

• Email jmoses@languagesforall.org.uk

The following information must be included:

• The requestor’s full name

• An address for correspondence (this can be a postal or email address)

• A clear description of the information required We will respond to requests for information within 20 working days.

If further clarification is required, our staff will write to the requestor and the request will be temporarily placed on hold until sufficient information is available to begin processing the request. We will not charge those making a Freedom of Information request. In some circumstances, we may be allowed to charge an appropriate fee for complying with some requests for information. SRS Data Protection Policy (001-June 2020)

Data Protection Policy Date updates 10 / 06 / 2024

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is at the core of everything we do at Language for All and our tutors always focus on the safety and well-being of the young people in our care. In order to effectively safeguard the young people we work with, the tutors will follow this policy. This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England. A summary of the key legislation and guidance is available from nspcc.org.uk/childprotection. This policy is available to view on request.

This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance and other related documents:

  • Working Together Policy 
  • Business Terms
  • Tutor Requirement E-mail

We believe that:

  • children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
  • we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.

We recognise that:

  • the welfare of children is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare
  • all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
  • extra safeguards may be needed to keep children who are additionally vulnerable safe from abuse.

We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

  • valuing, listening to and respecting them
  • appointing a nominated child protection lead for children and young people
  • adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for tutors
  • developing and implementing an effective online safety policy and related procedures
  • providing effective management for tutors through supervision, support, training and quality assurance measures so that all tutors know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes confidently and competently
  • recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
  • recording and storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance [more information about this is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office: ico.org.uk/fororganisations]
  • sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with children and their families via leaflets, posters, group work and one-to-one discussions
  • making sure that children, young people and their families know where to go for help if they have a concern
  • using our safeguarding and child protection procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, parents, families and carers appropriately
  • using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately
  • creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and procedure to help us deal effectively with any bullying that does arise
  • ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place
  • ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our children, young people, staff and volunteers, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance
  • building a safeguarding culture where tutors, children, young people and their families, treat each other with respect and are comfortable about sharing concerns

Face to Face Lessons

  1. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child is delivered safely to all lessons and collected from them afterwards.
  2. If a child is to make their own way to sessions, written consent from a parent must be provided.
  3. Parents have the right to attend all tutoring sessions if they choose to.

Online Lessons

  • Children should attend all online lessons appropriately dressed, as they would attend a face-to-face lesson.
  • Lessons should take place in a communal area, such a living room or kitchen, not in the child’s bedroom.
  • Only the children for whom the session is intended should be present at the lesson. Parents may attend all lessons and should stay within ear shot of the lesson at all times.
  • No recordings will be made of lessons without written permission from parents. Children should not record lessons without seeking permission from the tutor.
  • Tutors will ensure that they do not share anything of a personal nature from their computers. Parents must ensure that their children adhere to the same.

Photo and social media consent

  • Written parental consent will be sought for photos and videos to be shared on social media.

Concerns and allegations

  1. Any concerns or allegations of bullying must be immediately reported to the safeguarding officers.
  2. Concerns about tutors working with young people must be immediately reported to the safeguarding lead. They will seek advice from NSPCC when dealing with allegations, and report to the police or other authorities where necessary.
  3. Concerns about young people must be reported to the safeguarding lead. They will seek advice from NSPCC when dealing with allegations, and report to the police or other authorities where necessary.
  4. Any other concerns or whistle-blowing may be reported to the safeguarding lead
  5. Clients will be treated fairly and with respect when dealing with concerns and allegations.
  6. This policy will be reviewed every year
  7. Key messages from this safeguarding policy will be shared with parents annually and when appropriate

Terms and conditions

1. Fees for tuition will be agreed in advance and should be paid monthly on receipt of an invoice. All fees must be paid by Bank Transfer. Bank details are as follows:

Bank: ANNA

Account Name: Languages for All Ltd

Account Number: 86553052

Sort Code: 04-03-70

2. Scheduled lessons will always take place on the day and time and venue which is mutually agreed by both tutor and client. Lessons will continue until a mutually agreed termination date. I require 2 weeks’ notice of the termination of tuition.

3. Where lessons are delivered online via Teams, no responsibility can be taken in the event of client equipment breakdown or lack of connectivity and any lesson missed because of this will be deemed to have taken place and full payment will be required.

4. Non-attendance at a group lesson, when the lesson still goes ahead, will be billed to the client at a rate of no more than 1 hour of instruction. Lessons cancelled by all parties with less than 24 hours’ notice, will be billed to the client at a rate of no more than 1 hour of instruction.

5. In the rare circumstance a lesson has to be cancelled by myself, I will give you as much notice as possible. No charge will be made for these lessons.

6. I strive to provide the best possible service, however, I will not be held accountable or responsible for the academic success or lack thereof demonstrated by the student/client. Although I will do everything in my power to help grades and skill sets improve, I can offer no guarantee.

7. You agree to refrain from sharing/distributing and using any materials used during the course of classes with any third party (all materials are covered by copyright law).

8. You agree to refrain from sharing any passwords shared with you during your course of study with any third party.

9. I am not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special, punitive or similar damages arising out of use of my tutoring service, or any errors or omissions in the content of my materials. You, the client, specifically waive any and all claims arising out of the use of this tutoring service.

10. This contract is covered by English Law. By ticking this box you are agreeing to the conditions outline above.

Updated June 2024 

What Our Clients Say

Jennie was Jasmine's teacher when she was a student at the school where Jennie taught, and then, when we moved away and needed a German teacher for years 10 and 11, we immediately contacted Jennie. I have no hesitation in highly recommending her, she is an outstanding teacher, very efficient in arranging lessons, and sending and marking homework, and to add to all of this, Jennie is a wonderfully kind and friendly person.  Our daughter really likes Jennie and looks forward to the lessons, even though they are online, so thank you, Jennie, for all that you have done and continue to do for our daughter, we are very grateful.


Paul Morris, Father of a GCSE student of German (one-to-one lessons, online)